The pandemic up-ended everything about how we work together. For artists and creators working in the live arts, the pandemic forced a sudden pivot to the unfamiliar realm of working together but physically apart. Offers and Answers is an online field guide that reflects on the solutions, tools, and possibilities of working in digital spaces. As well as how this shared experience can make for more equitable and collaborative work in the live arts moving forward.



I hope that we always have online options because the worst thing that could happen would be to come out of this pandemic and switch back to only in-person things for performance and theatre, and immediately shut the door again — on all the deaf, disabled and mad creatives, who, for the first time, are able to be engaged in this conversation.

— Syrus Marcus Ware




A big thank you to multi-disciplinary artist and Offers and Answers editor, Erin Brubacher, for not only bringing this project to Helios, but also for letting us go wild with the design elements on what would normally be a fairly straight forward WordPress site.