“North America no longer sees Indians.

What it sees are war bonnets, beaded shirts, fringed deerskin dresses, loincloths, headbands, feathered lances, tomahawks, moccasins, face paint, and bone chokers.”

Thomas King

The Inconvenient Indian website echoes Thomas King’s brilliant dismantling of North America’s colonial narrative by confronting this history through a satirical inversion of the Buzzfeed-quiz cliche.

The website was directed by artist and filmmaker Jamie Whitecrow, with design and development by Helios Design Labs. The web component was created in conjunction with the film produced by 90th Parallel Productions in association with CRAVE (a division of Bell Media) and with the participation of the Canada Media Fund.


“Most of us think that history is the past. It’s not. History is the stories we tell about the past. That’s all it is.”

-Thomas King